- Address
Sector -4, Jawahar Nagar , Jaipur-302004 (Rajasthan)
- Contact Number
0141-2651854, 2653552
- Year of Establishment
- NOC obtained from State Govt./UT
State Govt.
- Recognition of the School by Authority & its name
Dist. Education Officer, Elementary Education, Jaipur, Rajasthan
- Status of Affiliation
Active Affiliation no-1730004
- Period
Three years w.e.f. 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2025
- Name of the Trust
The Education Committee of the Maheshwari Samaj Society, Jaipur
- Area of school
11649.763 Sq. Mtr, Acres 2.87871913012, Sq Ft. 125397.005308